Hi Point Inn Where Good Times Were Gathered
By Bear Wheeler
The Hi Point Inn was built in 1927 by Brooks and Wheeler as a place for recreation on Elcho Township’s southern edge on old Hwy 45, now County Hwy B. At all hours of the night, the owners would serve food which quickly brought the Hi Point popularity. The building’s size and good reputation made it a great place to host wedding celebrations. Back in its early years of operation, it had a roller rink and five over-night cabins under the ownership of Jim and Merle Cole.
In 1951, the Hi Point Inn changed hands and was sold to Glen and Ellen Bergen. It was during their tenure that a small game farm/petting zoo was added to the attraction. In the mid to late 1950’s, a Little League baseball diamond was put in by Otto Tiegs, Glenn Maney, and Elroy Froland. After the Muskie Inn was torn down, much of the restaurant furniture, was used at the Hi Point. Much of the indoor plants and a large cactus out by the front door came from Kraftwood Gardens. By the sound of it, Glen and Ellen had quite a collection of hometown history. There was a post on Facebook about this establishment and the comments came pouring in. People especially remembered the fish fry and going there and being greeted by Audrey Tiegs who was a waitress there for quite some time. People have very fond memories of Glen, Ellen, and their son Shelly (Sheldon), they were definitely the main attraction and had such wonderful personalities. The Bergen’s ran the operation until 1974 when they sold it to a Waukesha couple, Robert and Pat Grota.
The Grota’s ran the establishment for a good number of years upholding the business the Bergen’s had. It was a place of great memories. The business changed hands in the late 80’s early 90’s to another couple who ran it a few years. After that time, the building sat idle and on August 21, 2004, the place caught fire during a thunderstorm. The storm brought high winds which made the fire spread quickly and engulfed the whole building. Thus ended the era of the once highly celebrated Hi Point Inn.