Grand Opening of “Ye Olde Muskie Inn”
By Bear Wheeler
September 1, 1923, was as special to Elcho as it was to Charles W. Fish. It was the day of the grand opening of the business district. Since Sunday, February 18, 1923, the night it all burnt down extensive plans and expenditures to make this all happen finally comes to life. Without the help of Mr. Fish, Elcho would be a much different place, even today in 2023.
The Antigo Daily Journal reported by Fred Berner on August 31, 1923 was as follows…
“Elcho will throw its door open to the world tomorrow.
The formal opening of the artistic new business section will take place during the afternoon and evening under the direction of Charles W. Fish, and his efficient staff. All the new buildings, including the clubhouse, general store, hotel, drug store, bank, theatre, depot, and church will be open for inspection. The large saw mill, factory and other places of interest will also be open for visitors and guides will be on hand to take those around who wish to make a tour of inspection.
No town in Wisconsin is more picturesque than Elcho, according to tourists from all over the state. The buildings are of the old English style of architecture and combine the beautiful with the practical. The outside of the new depot is finished in grey stucco.
Mr. Fish had made extensive plans for the entertainment of those who will come to Elcho. The Elcho band will furnish music during the afternoon and evening. The large new opera house will have a continuous performance during the afternoon and evening. The dinner at Ye Olde Muskie Inn will be served at 6:30 o’clock and elaborate preparations have been made for it.
Many people from Antigo have arranged to go, and Mr. Fish has assurances from various places in the state of guests wishing to participate in this formal opening.
The roads are in good condition so a big crowd is expected.”
This was a most pivotal time period for Elcho, Mr. Fish set us up for big things. Elcho had amenities that you would find in much larger cities at the time. Another article will detail what was provided in the new business section.